Home Batteries WATCH: NASA’S SABERS — Reimagining the use of Batteries for Next Generation...

WATCH: NASA’S SABERS — Reimagining the use of Batteries for Next Generation Aircraft


NASA researchers are working to revolutionize air travel by building a battery that’s safe, sustainable, powerful and light enough to power electric airplanes and more. Solid-state Architecture Batteries for Enhanced Rechargeability and Safety or SABERS research is supported by NASA’s Convergent Aeronautics Solutions team, and is developing solid-state battery cells that are safer on aircraft for longer flights. Watch and learn more about SABERS. To learn more, visit nasa.gov/CAS.

Follow along with the Transcript:

0:00 NASA’s work to revolutionize the future of  aviation often starts with a “what if.”  

0:07 What if we can fly safer, faster, longer?  

0:14 At NASA our Convergent Aeronautic Solutions 

0:17 team or CAS apply innovation and curiosity to  explore the “what ifs.”

0:24 I’m Rocco Viggiano,  

0:26 a researcher at NASA Glenn’s Research Center.    

0:29 A few few years ago I wondered what if we could

0:32 build a battery that’s safe, high energy, and  light enough to advance the development of  

0:37 electric airplanes and today I’m proud to lead the  research on solid state architecture batteries for  

0:43 enhanced recharge-ability and safety or what  we refer to as SABERS.

0:47 SABERS is in the early 

0:49 stages of research for a battery specifically  designed for electric aircraft

0:54 by using brand  new materials and novel fabrication methods.

0:59 These discoveries can be game-changing.

1:02 The future of electric aircraft is in need

1:05 of a novel solution due to the use of lithium ion batteries which are  

1:10 highly flammable and incapable of delivering the  energy needed to sustain long flights.

1:17 SABERS is showing promise to provide a safer, lighter,  longer lasting and more sustainable battery  

1:23 than current state-of-the-art.   

1:25 This can possibly lead to advances in space exploration missions

1:29 such as the Mars rover and Mars helicopter  program.  

1:32 Here at home this technology will 

1:34 even impact electric cars and vehicles allowing  double the current range on a single charge.  

1:40 Early performance results around safety and  energy are exceeding our initial expectations.  

1:46 We’re currently maturing the research in hopes of  closing the gap between the vision of sustainable  

1:50 aviation and the implementation of safe, long  duration flights by electric aircraft.  

1:56 SABERS research is supported by CAS.

1:58 to learn more more about SABERS, CAS, or other NASA projects go to

2:04 www.nasa.gov/CAS or scan the QR code